
Berkeley Assessment System Software (BASS)

BASS builds on the BEAR Center's previous research in the design of assessment tasks and measurement techniques to support evidence-based assessment in the classroom. More specifically, BASS is the product of a decade of work by the BEAR Center team on a variety of software applications, including its direct precursor, FADS.

BASS is being developed to support assessments that are created using the BEAR Assessment System. Accordingly, BASS is designed to be used in alignment with educational goals and instructional content. This allows teachers to understand the assessment results in...

Learning Progressions in Middle School Science Instruction and Assessment (LPS)

LPS is a four-year IES-funded project designed to investigate how middle school students gain an understanding of the structure of matter and how they reason scientifically. With facilitation from SERP, the BEAR Center and Stanford University have partnered with the San Francisco Unified School District to develop assessments for measuring two learning progressions, one in physical science focusing on the Structure of Matter in middle school, and the other in students’ argumentation and scientific reasoning focused on the same topic area. Each progression is composed of smaller parts...

California Department Of Education's Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)

Collaborating Institutions California Department of Education, WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, Napa County Office of Education Funded By California Department of Education About

The Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) is the assessment component of the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) Desired Results (DR) initiatives. Since 2000, the Desired Results collaborative has worked to improve the quality of programs and services provided to young children, from early infancy through school age, who are enrolled in the thousands of center-based early care and...