Ana Andaur Rodríguez, David Torres Irribarra, Mark Wilson, Karen Draney: Collaborative Development of Socioemotional Assessments in a Latin American Context

October 18, 2022

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

2:00 - 4:00 PM (PDT) at Berkeley Way West 4500 and on Zoom

Open to GSE faculty, students, and community.


We present the development from the ground up of a new socioemotional assessment using a collaborative approach in partnership with Peruvian school teachers. We present the first construct we have worked on: social awareness. We discuss the process of construction using Wilson's (2005) four building blocks model, starting with the definition of the construct, the creation of Guttman items, discussing why we used them according to Wilson et al. (2022) discussion, and present validity evidence both of response processes and internal structure. In the last, we discuss dimensionality and item functioning.

About the speaker:

Ana Andaur Rodríguez, Psychologist, Master in Educational Psychology, and Ph.D. candidate at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her area of research is socioemotional learning in school contexts, studying how those variables influence different outcomes, including health, personal and relational well-being, and academic outcomes. Her Ph.D. dissertation examines how social re-categorization can promote compassion and prosocial behavior beyond friends in early adolescence. As part of her research, Ana is interested in developing socioemotional instruments that can meet high psychometric standards. In this context, she has been part of different projects supporting the construction of socioemotional instruments.

David Torres Irribarra, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Psychology School at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His main research areas are (i) the application of latent variable models to measurement contexts, (ii) the theoretical foundations of measurement in the social sciences, area in which he is the author of the book "A Pragmatic Perspective of Measurement" (2021, Springer) and (iii) the use of digital technologies to improve educational assessment, area in which he actively works designing psychometric related features of the Berkeley Assessment System Software suite. As a part of his educational and psychological measurement work, he has participated in research projects and consultancies in Chile, Honduras, Peru, Mexico, and the United States.

Mark Wilson is a Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his PhD degree from the University of Chicago in 1984. His interests focus on measurement and applied statistics, and he has published 167 refereed articles in those areas, 74 invited chapters in edited books, and 15 books. He was elected President of the Psychometric Society, and, more recently, President of the National Council for Measurement in Education (NCME); he is a Member of the US National Academy of Education, a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, and the American Psychological Association, and also is a National Associate of the US National Research Council. He is Director of the Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research (BEAR) Center. His research interests focus on the development and application of sound approaches for measurement in education and the social sciences, the development of statistical models suitable for measurement contexts, the creation of instruments to measure new constructs, and scholarship on the philosophy of measurement.

Karen Draney is the Co-Director of the BEAR Center, and an adjunct professor in the Berkeley School of Education. She teaches courses in introductory data analysis, and standardized testing issues in US schools. She received her PhD in Education from UC Berkeley in 1996. Her current research interests include the development of both formative and summative assessments based on constructs and learning progressions, and that provide useful information to teachers, parents, and schools. She has worked at the BEAR Center since its inception.